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MRC Policies


Participants may register for programs up to 2 weeks ahead of time. Payment is due at the time of registration.  Pre-Registration is REQUIRED for all programs at MRC except for Public Skate. If you already have an account with us, please call use to set up a password. Do not create a new one as this produces duplicate accounts. To Register for a program, Please go back to the Front Page of the website and click on the online registration button. 

Facility Waiver

BEFORE participating in any programs, a Facility Waiver needs to be filled out for the participant. Our waiver is on our front page. You will click the Facility Waiver button and fill out the form. It is a fillable form and once submitted will be sent right to us. A new Facility Waiver needs to be filled out EVERY year. 

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance is available upon request. Stop by the Front Office for the copy or print it off of the Forms page. Please fill it out and bring a copy of the FIRST page of your tax return and we will be happy to process your application here at the Front Office. Financial Assistance can be used for anything EXCEPT private lessons and concessions items. Financial Assistance needs to be determined BEFORE you begin a program. If you apply in the middle of a program, the financial assistance will be applied to the following months or programs that you register for. If you have any questions regarding Financial Assistance, please email or

Cancellation Policy

ALL Activities MUST be cancelled with 24 hours notice or the full fee shall be charged for the program. In order to cancel a program, please give us a call at (207) 236-9400.  

Membership Joiners Fee 

For our Membership options here at MRC we have a $25 Joiners fee per member. This is usually a One Time Fee at the beginning of your membership. If you cancel your membership, you will be charged a joiners fee each time you Join after cancelling. 

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